Academia Buenos AiresInstituto Cervantes

Responsible tourism

responsible tourismWe want our students to gain a wide and deep understanding of argentine culture of which the language is an essential part. We try to offer our employees a stimulating and stable working environment, respecting all collective agreements and laws. We want our activity to be sustainable economically and ecologically and to facilitate the exchange of ideas between people from around the world. We do not accept intolerance and select our business partners according to fixed principles. In order to achieve these goals we have established a set of plans and codes of conduct which we respect to the highest possible extent. We have also joined a network of organizations with similar objectives, the Responsible Tourism Network (Red de Turismo Responsible). This network features organizations from the tourist sector, organizations from civil society and government agencies, media, chambers of commerce, administrators of protected areas and universities, with the objective of developing common indicators for responsibly managed tourism. What makes this network distinct from other efforts at establishing “labels” is that the consumer, in our case our students, are the ones who measure the success of efforts.

While we at the school can do a lot to reduce the ecological side-effects of our activities, you as a student can also contribute to making your stay with us ecologically more sustainable. We work with the Swiss organization myclimate, a provider of voluntary carbon offsetting measures. Through a series of carbon offset projects around the world you can directly reduce greenhouse gases and in doing so directly protect the climate. Indeed, the greenhouse gases produced by your flight to Buenos Aires can be easily calculated and with a contribution of between 20 and 200 USD for an economy return-ticket, depending on the origin of your flight, you can fully offset your carbon footprint. For further information, please check here and mention your interest in cooperating on your reservation with us.

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Academia Buenos Aires